Holiness and Powers of the Age to Come
A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on Sunday, March, 2002.

Be holy, for I am holy saith the Lord.

For is it not written and has it not been said that I am light and in Me there is no darkness at all.

It is difficult for man to comprehend a holy God in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning; for all of your life saith the Lord, you have been used to darkness, you have dwelt with darkness, you have dwelt in darkness, darkness has been in you and therefore it is difficult to conceive of a holy God. But I will have thee know saith your God that in this third day, before the return of My Son I will have a people upon the earth that will be holy as I am holy. I will have a glorious church that will not have spot or wrinkle or blemish or any such thing.

Think not to thyself that how can this be, think not to thyself that this is impossible; for even now before your very eyes I do a work of sanctification and I do a work of purification and I do a work of separation even of My holy ones unto Myself. For I am looking throughout the earth, My eyes are running to and fro of the entire church seeking those whose hearts are perfect towards Me, who will walk in holiness, who will walk in sanctity, who will walk even as I walked, who will walk tempted in every way yet without sin.

Of a truth I am a holy God, seek Me with purity, seek Me with sincerity, seek Me with diligence and I will reward you with My holiness.

For thus saith the Lord, they will arrest political, economic and religious crises’ in the Middle East, they will arrest it in the U.S., they will arrest it in the U.K., they will arrest it in Europe. For I will have a people, saith your God, that will rule and reign with the rod of My strength out of Zion. For it is not a thing that will happen just in the millennium but it is a thing that will happen now for I have said that they who have received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by Christ Jesus. I seek and I desire kings to arise out of Zion that will walk in My power, that will walk in My glory, that will taste of the powers of the world to come and cause My truth to rule in the earth in this time.