A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 19th of August, 2012

“For I seek” saith the Spirit, “they that worship in Spirit and in truth. Yea! Even as you have done, your worship has come unto Me as a sweet smelling savour. I would have thee” saith the Spirit, “continue this worship, not even just here but when you leave here. And you will present unto Me your body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. And as I said in My word: “My son give Me thy heart,” you will give Me that will, you will give Me that mind, you will give Me those emotions, you will let Me reign through them.”

“For I seek, for I seek,” saith the Spirit, “those that will allow Me to inhabit them that I will show forth the virtues and My glory unto this world, that men will see My glory through you. Yes! Yes! Your worship has come up to Me like sweet smelling savour and I say, “Continue, continue to worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Worship Me with your life! Worship Me with your determination! Worship Me with your consecration! Worship Me with your bodies! Worship Me with your mind! Worship Me with all that you are and all that you have! And I will reciprocate,” saith the Spirit. “I will reciprocate and I will show forth My glory. Yes! I will show to this world and to this generation what shall be done to the man that the king chooses to honour, as you give Me your all, I will give you My all,” saith the Spirit.