A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 6th of July, 2014

“As you have sung, heaven, and earth will pass away but My word remains forever. For I watch over it to perform it. And indeed as it is written, I have magnified My word above My name.”

“Therefore, hearken! hearken unto that Word. Take heed to thy self and unto the doctrine, and let the Word build you up and give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified; even the inheritance of the Spirit without measure, the inheritance of the fullness of the ability of the mind of Christ. And in this hour and in this day, men truly will stand in awe of Me; they will stand in awe of My majesty, they will stand in awe of My wisdom, they will stand in awe of My glory, they will stand in awe of My power, they will stand in awe of My riches that shall be made manifest through you. For you, in this day and in this hour, will become the instrument of My awe. Yes! Men will bow and say, ‘Surely God is in thee,’ and they will stand in awe of you.”

“Therefore, sanctify Me,” saith the Lord, “in your hearts; sanctify Me in your words, sanctify Me in thy deeds. Yes! Let Me set you apart from the world. Yes! Let Me set you on high that all the nations of the earth will look to you and stand in awe of Me; for I am in you,” saith the Spirit.