A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 25th of September, 2022
“For Glory of My Presence, for Moses desired to see My glory. And down through the years; the centuries and the millennia men have desired to see My glory. But in this day, and in this hour, for those of you that have only felt My tangible presence; yes, you will now come to see My visible presence, and then you will come to experience My manifest presence, for I will arise as it is written: ‘Arise and shine and the glory of the Lord will be seen upon thee.’ I will arise upon my glorious Church, and I will show not only My tangible presence, not only My visible presence but My manifest presence. The day and the hour is upon you; the hour is coming and now is when even sinners will see My visible presence; the fire of My glory upon My sanctuaries and they will enter in and as they coming in they will experience the power of My manifest presence, as the sick will be healed, the lepers will be cleansed, the dead will be raised instantly and they will fall on their face and say: Surely God is in this place.”
“Therefore, draw nigh unto Me and I will draw nigh unto you and I will clean you from sin both the deeds of sin and the substance of sin and I will cleanse and wash your bodies with pure water and you will be clean so that you will become a habitation that My Spirit; My glory and My presence can dwell permanently in. And as you walk the face of the earth and you speak to men, it will God speaking to them through you, as you touch them it will be God touching them through your hands. For the day of My visible and manifest presence is here,” saith the Lord.