Make Him Your Friend

A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 11th of March, 2009

“For the love of God has been shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. It is Him, who is the Author of love, it is Him, who directs the thought of love, it is Him, who directs the feelings of love; it is Him, who directs the power of love.”

“Make Him your friend, He will teach you how to walk in Love. He will direct you, in that which is the mind of Love, in that which is the feelings of Love, for each particular time and each particular circumstances, for many a time, saith the Lord, men go in the direction of the nature of sin, thinking they are going in the direction of love, as Peter went in the direction of sin, thinking he was helping the Master, saying, “This shall not be unto thee”. But he was not going in the direction of Love; he was going in the direction of feelings of the sin nature, that which was savouring the things of men and not of God. And so let the Holy Spirit be your friend and consult with Him, acknowledge Him, pray frequently in the Spirit, wash one another’s feet, with the Blood, the Life, the Word and the Spirit. He will direct your thoughts, He will direct your emotions, He will direct your will, so you will move in the flow of the love of God. You will not move erroneously in the flow of the feelings of men and so will you please the Father and so will you accomplish your destiny, and so will you walk in the steps of the Firstborn from the dead and you will think like Him.”

“You will talk like Him, you will act like He did and men will see Him in you and you will do great things and they will declare,” “Christ in you the hope of glory!”

“This is the cry of My heart for this hour and for this time, that My people will grow and learn to walk in love like Jesus did. That is the reason why I have given you My word, that you may see the perfect example and follow in His footsteps and reproduce that which He did and even greater, to the glory of My name,” saith the Lord.