Keep My Word More and More
A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 4th of January, 2009

For thus saith the Lord, In My word have you read and in it, it is written that if you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And even now, saith the Spirit, there are many that are keeping My commandments and I see your effort and I see your dedication and I see your willingness. But I would have you know, saith the Spirit, that even in this year, as you keep My word, as you keep My commandments and store up My words in you and incline your heart unto My sayings; as you love Me by keeping My words, then I will love you and I will manifest Myself to you, and I will unveil Myself to you. And in the place of prayer, you will begin to see Me face to face. The darkness of the carnal mind will be removed and you will begin to see clearly and you begin to think clearly. No longer will you think as a child, but you start thinking as a man; no longer will you see through a glass darkly, but you will begin to see clearly, as it were, face to face like Moses of old. And I will begin to reveal, deep and hidden things to you and I will begin to whisper to you in that place of fellowship and in that place of communion, even in prayer and in the Word.

I will begin to show you My plan, My purposes for your life personally, for the life of your family and for your society and for the things you are involved in. I will begin to show you what I want to do and I will come to you like I came to Abraham and I will say you are My friend. I will begin to tell things that I have in mind and together we will make decisions and together we will rule in the affairs of men.

Yes! saith the Lord, I know you love Me, but I call unto you, love Me more, keep My word, walk by My Spirit and I will love you and I will manifest Myself to you. And Me and My Father would come and would make a permanent abode with you and where you go, We will go; whom you talk to, We will talk to, whom you touch, We will touch, what you decree, We will decree. For we will live with you, because you live in love and you live in Us.

Keep My Word even more, Keep My Word even more; for by keeping My Word, My love will be perfected in you, saith the Lord.