Arise, Develop and Perfect My Love

A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 15th April 2009.

“The Lord whom you seek, saith the Spirit, shall suddenly come, even in this hour and time, into His temple.”

“He will come in sons, He will come in men and women, who are and will be as gods upon the earth. Even as Moses was a god to Pharaoh, you will be a god to the men of the earth. For you will bring both My judgement and power, you will bring My excellence, you will bring My skill, you will bring My ability to be made manifest in the earth. And men shall say surely, ‘God is in thee!’ And that is why even now, I am teaching you the way of love, and I am teaching you the way of power, and I am teaching you the way of wisdom, and I am teaching you the way of glory, that you might walk in and fulfil this great destiny that I have set before you at such a time as this.”

“For you have been brought to the kingdom and are being brought to the kingdom for such a time as this, that you might show forth and manifest forth My judgement in the earth, that men of the earth shall indeed learn righteousness; that the gospel of the kingdom. Yes! this gospel of power, this gospel of wealth, this gospel of godliness, might be preached unto every tribe, tongue and kindred.”

“Yes! That you might rule the earth with the rod of iron. Yes! You have been brought to the kingdom, for such a time as this.”

“Therefore, perfect in you My love, perfect in you My wisdom, perfect in you My power, that you will respond as I will respond, that you will think as I will think, that you will act as, I will act, that you will feel, as I will feel, you will talk as I will talk; and men shall say, ‘Truly, God is in thee'”

“This is your hour, this is your time, and this is your destiny.”

“Arise to the challenge and develop and perfect my love”, saith the Lord.