A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 21st of November, 2012

“Be a carrier of My Presence”, saith the Spirit. Carry My Presence with you where ever you go. My Presence with you, when you get up, when you walk by the way, at noon, in the evening, when you go to bed. Carry My presence with you all day long. And someone said: “How Lord do we carry Your presence?” Yea! Carry My Presence by watching and praying always, communing with Me in your hearts throughout the day; release My life, release My power through your mouth.”

“As you speak My word and pray in the Spirit, My presence will be with you all the time. And when challenges come, as they surely will, when temptations come, as they surely will, when trials come, as they surely will, My Presence will be there, My Presence will be there to comfort, My Presence will be there to help, My Presence will be there to guide, My Presence will be there to strengthen, My Presence will be there to put you over. Then shall be brought to pass that which was spoken even in the scriptures: “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.” My Presence in you is greater than he that is in the world, he that is in the air; greater than he that is behind the lust of the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life. And My Presence will give you victory and you will triumph always, in every situation; going from strength to strength, from faith to faith, from glory to glory, and from victory to victory as you carry My Presence with you,” saith the Lord.