Keep Thy Robes White
Prophecy by Olubi Johnson given on Sunday 13th April 2003

Keep your robes white saith your Lord. You will keep them white washed in the blood of the Lamb. Yes in this hour and in this day you will be diligent and you will be found blameless and without spot before Me.


You will walk in righteousness and you will walk in holiness and you will walk in justice and My power and My anointing will be upon thee, not once in a while, as it has been in times past, but it will be upon thee on a permanent basis. And men shall come from the east and they will come from the west and they will come from the north and they will come from the south; they will come to seek thee even as the queen of Sheba came to seek the Wisdom of Solomon.


They will come and they will say we have heard that God is in thee and they will come to seek counsel, and they will come to seek healing, and they will come to seek deliverance, and they will come to seek blessing and you will pour out My power upon them for you will be gracious in this hour and you will be kind in this hour and you will be generous in this hour; but you will do it on the condition of My word going forth and so shall the word be fulfilled that My word will fill all the earth as the waters cover the sea. And My word will go forth unto every tongue, and every tribe and every kindred, and every nation, even every tribe upon this earth and they will witness the reality of My word, they will not only hear it preached but they will see it lived; they will not only hear it preached but they will see it demonstrated.


They will see dead raised and they will see blind eyes open and they will know that it is God for they will say this is our God and we have waited for Him and they will say surely, surely God is in thee.Keep thy robes white saith the Lord