God’s Appointed Time
Prophecy by Olubi Johnson given on 9th February 2003

There will be a first fruit company that will arise, saith the Spirit. And they will arise and they will come into the Holy of holies even at the banquet of wine (he wine of the revelation of My word); and they will see from My word that the power and the glory and the riches are for them and for their inheritance; and they shall grasp it by faith and by prayer and by righteousness they shall bring it forth. As they bring it forth, they will bring forth My glory and they will show forth My power and they will show forth My riches and they will show forth My character even My name unto this generation. And so shall the nations fear My name and all the kings of earth shall fear My glory, saith the Lord.

It will be a time of separation, a time of establishment, and a time of famine. For hitherto, the Hamans, the Sauls and the Achans that have been in the leadership in My house have fed upon the manna that came from heaven, that came by My sovereignty, and that came by My outpouring upon all flesh. But you have now come to the time and the season in which you must sow into the ground of your heart through, honesty and humility, and water it through prayer and intercession, before you can harvest the corn of My word, through reading and studying.

It is on those that are diligent in these things, that the rain and the manna from above will come and they will have the latter and the former rain together and they will grow and they will develop to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

But those who hitherto have depended only upon the manna that has come from without will face a time of famine; and if they do not go to the Josephs, to the place where they can buy corn and wine and oil, they will die in the famine.

But for those who will come to themselves and those who will humble themselves and those who will submit themselves unto the Josephs that I will release in this hour they will find corn for sustenance and they will enjoy the former and the latter rain together and bring forth a bountiful harvest.


I will have you know, saith the Lord, that this is not the day to play around, this is not the day to be negligent, this is not the day to be slothful, this is not the day to be offended, this is not the day to go your way. But this is the day to walk in Me, to walk in My word, to walk in My humility, to walk in prayer, to walk in My righteousness; for as you do these things you will touch the tip of the golden scepter and that which is your desire, that which is your vision, that which is your dream will be granted unto you for this is My appointed time. Saith The Lord