A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 19th of  February, 2012.

“The great I AM, saith the Spirit, “is about to be manifest in the earth again as it was in days of old, even in the time of Moses. As I sent Moses to Pharaoh and said; Say unto him I AM that I AM hath sent thee; even so now I say unto you, as My glory comes upon you, ‘Go  into all the earth, into every nation and tribe and tongue and kindred and say unto them: I AM that I AM has sent you!’ ”

“For not one jot or tittle shall fail from the law of everything I have spoken, both in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament concerning my church.”

“For I will show forth myself strong on your behalf; strong in wisdom, strong in skill, strong in strength, strong in power, strong in wealth, strong in might; and you will go forth unto the ends of the earth and no nation shall be closed before you.”

“For I will go before you and I will cut asunder the bars of iron and the gates of brass and the two leaved-gates will be open before you. For by My anointing and by My wisdom and by My power and by My wealth, none will be able to withstand you, for I AM that I AM hath sent you!”

“Therefore, arise even in this hour. Yes!” saith the Spirit; “This is the time of great spiritual growth, this is a time of diligence in the things of the Spirit. As you even have been told today; be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Yes! Be strong in putting on the armour of love; be strong in praying with all kinds of prayer in the Spirit.”

“Be strong in My love and in the knowledge of My word, and as you do these, I will reveal Myself to you as I AM that I AM. Wisdom that has never been seen in the earth will be released; skill, strength and ability such as has never been seen will be released! Wealth such as, has never been seen will be released, and then they will say, when they see you that, truly I AM that I AM has sent you!”