I Will Show Myself Strong 
A Prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 20th June, 2010

“Son of man speak to your people, and say to them where are your eyes on; in time of temptation, in time of trouble, for many have their eyes on men, their eyes on the mountain, their eyes on Goliath, and their eyes on the storm. But I will have you put your eyes upon Me saith the Lord, yes! constantly, in your hearts see Me that is invisible, for I will never and I never leave you nor forsake you, I am always there saith the Lord at your right hand, I am always there to help, Am always there to counsel, Am always there to strengthen, Am always there to encourage, Am always there to heal.”

“But so many times saith the Spirit you ignore Me, so many times saith the Spirit, your eyes are on the wrong things and so even though I desire to help you, I am not able to help you as much as I would like to help you because your eyes are not on Me. Therefore, I would have you anoint those eyes with eye salve, that even in the midst of everyday hustle and bustle of life your eyes will be upon Me, and you will see Me in the bathroom, and you will see Me in the kitchen, and you will see Me in the car and, you will see Me in the office and

you will see Me at board meeting, and you will see Me in every area of your life because it will be you and I working together. And I will be the first point of consultation; I will be the first resort of help. Things, Goliath, storms will no longer intimidate you. Like David your father, he saw Goliath but he saw Me; the God that was bigger than Goliath. And that was why he was not afraid.

The rest of the army of Israel was sore afraid because all they saw was Goliath. Like Joshua and Caleb, they saw the Giants but then they saw Me; the God that was bigger than the giants, and so they were not afraid and they brought the good report, and the other ten brought an evil report because all they saw was the giants. And like Elisha, who saw the great army of spirits and angels and Gehazi who only, what he could see was the Syrian army.

Therefore, I say unto you anoint your eyes with eye salve, begin to see with your hearts, even with your eyes open, you see the physical and you also see that which is invincible at the same time and your hearts will not be moved by the things that you see but your heart will be strong in Me. For I will show Myself strong on behalf of them whose heart sees Me, and is perfect toward Me”.