A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 10th of April, 2013

“Again,” saith the Spirit, “I will come to My church, even in My name and in My character; in righteousness, in loving-kindness, and in justice. And once again the earth shall see Me in My glory, and they will see Me in My majesty, and they will see Me in My power, and they will see Me in My loving-kindness, and they will see Me in My judgment! And the whole earth shall come to know; yes! some by revelation and others by the judgments that I shall perform; they shall come to know that truly, I am God.”

“Therefore,” saith the Lord unto you, ‘Prepare yourselves! Come up hither! That you may be vessels of honour that I will use even in this hour; vessels that I will manifest My glory in and through. And as you go unto the uttermost parts of the earth, from tribe to tribe, from tongue to tongue, from kindred to kindred, from country to country , they will say of you: ‘Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord,’ and they will bless and glorify My name because of what they will see in your character, and what they will see in your wisdom, and what they will see in your power, and what they will see in your righteousness, and what they will see in your justice. For you will truly, truly represent Me, and they will say, as it is written’: Blesseth is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.”