You are Carriers of My Presence
A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 24th July, 2005.

You will not only touch My Presence, saith the Lord even as you have done, but I will have you live in My presence. I will have you carry that presence with you wherever you go.


Yea practice the reverence of My presence, for I seek them that worship Me in Spirit and in truth and therefore let your mind be stayed on Me and carry My presence by the power of My Spirit and the reality of My Word with you wherever you go and so shall that presence be a shield around you and so shall that presence encompass you about with My mercy and so shall that presence fill you with revelations of My power and My might and so shall that presence bring My wisdom, and so shall that presence bring My glory, and so shall that presence bring My power.


For you are carriers saith the Lord of My glory, you are carriers of My presence. So as you worship and as you honor Me take from this place that presence and loose it not. Let it not slip from you but take it wherever you go so that men may see My presence, that men may feel My presence, that men may acknowledge My presence. Even as they did when Jesus took My presence for He said if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. Yea, as men see you they will see Him, they will see My presence, they will hear My voice and they will feel My touch as you speak and as you lay hands, and as you minister, for you are carriers of My presence.