Put Me First and I Will Make You First

A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on 26th August, 2009

I, to whom promotion belongs, will make you first. I will make you head and not tail, exalted far above all the nations of the earth. And you will be first in all that you do; you will excel in all things.


For what men seek: the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, even all these things, you will become first. That which they run after, I will give to you; that which they desire, scheme and murder for, I will give to you freely.


Yes! saith your God, Put Me first and I will make you first; put Me first and I will make you head and not tail; put Me first and I will exalt you above all the nations of the earth. Many shall come and bow and make obeisance unto Me at your feet, and they will say, Surely, God is in you. And they will come to see the glory, to see the wisdom, to see that which I have wrought in men, and they will find it difficult to believe that these are ordinary men, and they will say, Surely, the gods have come down unto us! And you will say to them, You can be like me, for the same God in me can work inside you.


Yes! saith your God, Put Me first and I will make you first.