Keep Your Heart Pure 
A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 14th of January, 2009.

“For you are of the seed of David, of the root and offspring of Jesse. And as the seed of David, your name is Solomon, the beloved of the Lord. And I will show forth in this day, the reality of being the beloved of the Lord.”

“For as many as love and keep My word, I and My Father will love them and we will come and make our abode with them.” And in this time, I will make My dwelling with you, and I will permanently be with you in My glory, in My wisdom and in My power. And men will see what it means to be favoured of the Lord. And men shall see what it means to be the beloved of the Lord. And you will be exalted far above all hills and all mountains, and you will become a show-piece for the earth to gaze upon and wonder.”

“Yes, that which the eye has not seen, which ears have not heard, which have not entered into the hearts of men shall be revealed in this time through you, as you are the beloved of the Lord.” For I will come and dwell with you and fullness of the Godhead shall bodily be made manifest through you, even, “Christ in you the hope of glory”

“This is the hour of your exaltation; this is the hour of My glory; this is the hour of My manifestation. Therefore, keep your mind pure, keep your motive pure. Love Me, keep My word, and I will come and dwell with you. And I will show you off to the nations of the world, and I will show forth My glory in you, as you keep your heart pure with Me” saith the Lord!