In Me You Live, You Move and Have Your Being

A prophecy given by Pastor Olubi Johnson on the 13th May, 2009

The Word of the Lord has come to me saying, Son of man speak to these people. Let all the earth hear that truly in Me you live, you move and have your being.
It is truly in Me that all men live for I am the Giver of life. It is the life that comes from Me that sustains the planet, that holds the world together. For I uphold all things by the Word of My power and truly the reason for your being is in Me. And that is the place where you will find fulfillment; that is the place where you will find joy; that is the place where you will find strength; that is the place where you will find peace. Live in and for Me, for every other thing is vanity, saith the Lord.
As the Preacher said in the Word, Vanity, vanity, vanity, all is vanity, even in this end time, that which does not centre around Me, that which is not done for Me will not live. For the reason you live is to worship and bring Me pleasure, it is the reason for which you were created and it is only then you can blossom and flourish; that you can truly enjoy all the wonderful things that I have made for you so richly to enjoy.


So, worship in the Spirit, worship Me from your heart, worship Me, not only when you sing, worship Me, not only when you are gathered or assembled, but worship Me in your thoughts, worship Me in your words, worship Me in your deeds, worship Me in the morning and worship Me at noon and worship Me at night.‚ Yes! In Me you live, you move and have your being and in worshiping and living for Me, you will come to see the reason for your being. Not only will you see it, you will come to fulfill it in all of its fullness. For I seek them that will worship Me in spirit and in truth; even in this hour, for in Me you live, you move and have your being, saith the Lord.