Daily minimum confession – mobile

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude 1.20-21).

I judge myself (1Cor.11:31) and condemn my wicked actions and attitudes of omission and commission hitherto, I receive mercy unto eternal life (Jude 21) to soften my heart to enable me to repent and be faithful (1 Cor.7:25); receiving wisdom and instruction and have victory and triumph over judgement (Jas.2:13, 2Cor.2:14) in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

I John 2:14: We are strong and have overcome the wicked one, Satan himself.

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

I John 4:4: We have overcome all evil spirits, because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world,

In Jesus’ Name we have life.

Matthew 18:18: Evil spirits who may be oppressing or attacking the souls, bodies and circumstances of ourselves, members of our immediate families and households, I cast you out, destroy your works, resist and bind you in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).

I set my will and determine to apply completely and operate diligently (Ps. 119:112) the principles of perfection doing all God reveals to me to do (Phil.2:13): acknowledging and inquiring of the Lord in my thinking by frequently {at least once every conscious hour (Mt.24:42)} asking the Holy Spirit with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) for mercy unto eternal life to be faithful to do all things with love (1Cor.16:14); by watchful praying in tongues to wash feet (Jn.13:14): forgive, confess and cleanse our sins (1Jn.1:9); ask for life (1Jn.5:16) and pray in tongues (Jude 20-21; 1Cor.14:18) for us to bind the devil (Mt.11:12; 12:29) in the air (Eph.2:2), enforce the kingdom: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17), at least once every six hours, at every opportunity and during temptations as led by the Spirit (Gen.24:27), as I think (Phil.4:8) and act on the word (Phil.4:9); so praying without ceasing (in my heart) in all honesty and humility, without fear, boldly and diligently by the mercy and grace of God.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).

I submit my will firstly to God through His word, and also through my conscience with reverence (without God I cannot survive spiritually: Jn. 1:1). Secondly, I submit to those in authority over me (spiritual fathers and mothers, pastors, husband, parents, boss, etc) with reverence (without them I cannot survive physically and progress spiritually: Eph. 6: 1-3) and thirdly, to those I am in authority over (flock, wife, children, servants, etc.) with meekness (without them I cannot progress spiritually or physically: Eph. 4: 16) when what they say is in line with the word of God and will of God but it is inconvenient for my pride and feelings making me lower (Phil.2:7) than I think or know I am. I esteem my colleagues as better than myself and maintain an attitude of reverence to those above and meekness to those below me in authority, as well as towards all men, even when I think or know I am right and they are wrong.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).

I choose to fear God (Pr.1:29) so I humble myself by submitting to the will of God even when I don’t feel like it (Phil.2:8) especially in prayer knowing the certainty of His judgement if I disobey (Heb.2:2) and the security of His mercy when I obey (Pro. 28:13; Jas. 2:13); so I have the humility of the mind of Christ ( Phil. 2:5).


Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).

Father, please give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17) in the present complete knowledge and spiritual understanding (Col.1:9-11) of You to grow into the perfection and fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-15), to walk in love (Phil.1:9; Eph.4:15; 5:2), to watch and pray always (Lk. 21:36): to make me as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove (Matt.10:16) and as bold as a lion (Pro.28:1) and give me the ability of the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16) in Jesus Name.

Father, I confess our sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness in Jesus’ Name.

In Jesus’ Name we have life (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude.1.20-21).

I love God with all my heart: will, mind, emotions and strength (Mk. 12:30); and I love my brethren as Christ loves them (Jn.13:34): washing their feet (Jn.13:14-15) by forgiving, confessing and so cleansing their sins by the blood of Jesus (Jn.20:23; 1Jn.1:9), asking life for them (1Jn.5:16) and praying for them in tongues frequently (1Cor.14:18; Jude 20) at least once every six hours (2Sam. 6:13; Mk.13:35) and at every opportunity to cover for every hour throughout the day and by this in every temptation with my thoughts (2Cor.10:4-5; Pro.20:8) and actions (Jas.1:22; 2:18), to help them repent to will and do of God’s good pleasure (Phil.2:13; Heb.13:21).


“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(I) “Holy Spirit, please help me to perfect the love of God in my life today by the blood, the Word and the Spirit. As I diligently seek this good, help me to procure favour (Pro.11:27), let grace and mercy be multiplied (2 Pet. 1:2) to me in sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9) measure, so all my prayers will avail much (Jas. 5:16), so that when the enemy comes in against my soul, body and circumstances, like a flood the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him (Is.59:19) putting him to flight (Jas. 4:7), causing Your love (i.e. wisdom (1Jn.2:5), compassion (1The.3:12) and power (1Jn.4:12-13)) in and through me to overcome all iniquity like it did in the Lord Jesus (Heb.4:15). In this regard, Lord Jesus and heavenly Father, I acknowledge You for Your grace and mercy in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, please come and help me and give me mercy unto eternal life (Jude 21) to walk in love and please You in all I do today. Thank You for the physical reality of Your Presence as evident by the supernatural tongues (Acts 2:4) I speak, so help me to be conscious of You throughout the day.”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

  1. Choose the fear of God

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(II) “I choose to fear God (Pr.1:29) so I humble myself by submitting to the will of God even when I don’t feel like it (Phil.2:8) especially in prayer knowing the certainty of His judgement if I disobey (Heb.2:2) and the security of His mercy when I obey (Pro. 28:13; Jas. 2:13); and so I have the humility of the mind of Christ (Phil.2:5)”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

  1. Pray for wisdom and revelation because it is the principal part of love

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(III) “Father, please give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17) in the present complete knowledge and spiritual understanding (Col.1:9-11) of You to grow into the perfection and fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-15), to walk in love (Phil.1:9; Eph.4:15; 5:2), to watch and pray always (Luke 21:36): to make me as wise as a serpent, as harmless as a dove (Matt.10:16) and as bold as a lion (Pro.28:1), and so give me the ability of the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16) in Jesus Name.”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(IV) “I love God with all my heart: will, mind, emotions and strength (Mk. 12:30); and I love my brethren as Christ loves them (Jn.13:34): washing their feet (Jn.13:14-15) by forgiving, confessing and so cleansing their sins by the blood of Jesus (Jn.20:23; 1Jn.1:9), asking life for them (1Jn.5:16) and praying for them in tongues frequently (1Cor.14:18; Jude 20) at least once every six hours (2Sam. 6:13, Mk.13:35) and at every opportunity to cover for every hour throughout the day and by this in every temptation with my thoughts (2Cor.10:4-5; Pro.20:8) and actions (Jas.1:22; 2:18), to help them repent to will and do of God’s good pleasure (Phil.2:13, Heb.13:21).” 

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(V) “I keep myself in the love of God by not allowing anything or anyone to offend (Ps.119:165) me and by frequently {at least once every conscious hour, (Matt. 24:42)) and at every temptation (2Cor.10:5)} asking the Holy Spirit with thanksgiving in my thinking (Col.4:2) for mercy unto eternal life (Jude 21) to be faithful (1Cor.7:25) to do all things with love (1Cor.16:14). Also by washing feet (Jn.13:14-15): by forgiving, confessing and so cleansing our sins by the blood of Jesus (Jn.20:23; 1Jn.1:9), asking life (1Jn.5:16) for us and praying for us in tongues (Jude 20, 21; 1Cor.14:18) to bind the devil (Matt.11:12; 12:29) in the air (Eph.2:2) to enforce the kingdom: take and do righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17), at least once every six hours, and at every opportunity as led by the Spirit (Gen.24:27) and during temptations as I think (Phil4:8) and act on the word (Phil.4:9). So I’m more than a conqueror (Rom.8:37) in all things and the wicked one touches me not (1Jn.5:18).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(VI) “My hopes, based on God’s Word, are not disappointed (Rom.5:5) because I have known, believed and I am practicing diligently (1Jn.4:12-18) the love of God that saves me by His life (Rom.5:10) through abounding mercy and grace (Rom.5:20); and so though it may seem as if He will slay me, yet will I trust Him (Job 13:15).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

  1. Pray to deny self and enforce righteousness

(VII) “I deny myself (Lk.9:23), resisting diligently by the Spirit, the lusts of the flesh especially over-talking, overeating, oversleeping and overindulgence in anything (1Cor.6:12) to do the will of God, knowing that God gives me all things richly to enjoy (1Tim.6:17) in His time (Eccl.3:11) in this lifetime (Mk.10:30) and also joy, peace and longsuffering (Rom.14:17) to endure self-denial, by acknowledging the Lord with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) in my thinking, for mercy for fullness of joy and pleasures forever more in God’s presence (Ps.16:11), to be faithful (1Cor.7:25) and to triumph always (Heb.4:16; Lk.21:36; Jas.2:13; 2 Cor.2:14) in self denial.”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

  1. Confessions, meditations and prayers to walk in love according to 1 Cor. 13:4-8

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(VIII) “I am patient and kind in all things, I am forbearing and longsuffering, I am not jealous or envious. I rejoice at the blessing of others. I am not boastful, I boast and glory only of Jesus Christ because God gave me all I have (1 Cor.13:4a).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(IX) “I am not proud (1 Cor.13:4b); I am courteous to all men and treat them with respect either big or small or rich or poor. I am always polite and not rude to others (1 Cor.13:5a).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(X) “I do good to all men including myself (Matt.22:39) but I am not selfish so I seek the good of others (Phil.2:4) also. I do not insist on my own rights or my own way except when it concerns the vital will of God and even then with meekness and reverence (1Pt.3:15; 1 Cor.13:5b).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(XI) “I forgive people from the heart (Matt.18:35) when they wrong me or anytime I see them sin by instantly asking God in my thinking for mercy to give life to them (Jude 21) and then later confessing and so cleansing their sins by the blood of Jesus (1Jn.1:9; Jn.20:23), asking life for them (1Jn.5:16) and praying for them in tongues (1Cor.14:4; Eph.4:16) at least once every six hours (Deut.6:7, Josh. 1:8, Ps.91:5-6) and at every opportunity as led by the Spirit (Gen.24:27) and by this in every temptation as I think (Phil.4:8) and act on the Word (Phil.4:9) to help them repent to will and do of God’s good pleasure (Phil.2:13; Heb. 13:21), relating to them in wisdom (Pro.4:7), without bitterness (Eph.4:31) but with goodwill (Rom.13:10).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

“Father, I confess our (i.e. self, immediate family, household, etc) sins, so clean with the blood from ALL unrighteousness” (to cover the multitude of sins, 1Pet. 4: 7-8, keep the commandment without spot, 1Tim. 6: 14: and edify ourselves in love, Eph. 4: 15; 1Jn. 5: 16); visualize the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on your navel (symbolic of your connection to God) to remove all spots, blocks or clots).

“In Jesus’ Name we have life” (visualize the flow of life into you as living water, Jn. 4:10, 14).

Lord have mercy on us as we pray (Rom.9.16, Heb.4.16, Jude1.20-21)

(XII) “I do not worry (Matt.6:25-32). I cast all my cares and burdens on Jesus (1Pt.5:7) by prayer, supplication and thanksgiving with my thoughts (Phil.4:6-7). I love righteousness and hate sin and wickedness (Heb.1:9) abstaining from all appearances of evil (1The.5:22). I do not rejoice when others go wrong, rather, I pray for them (1 Cor.13:6). I am always ready to believe the best of others. I never give up on them even when they are wrong. I keep praying for them (1 Cor.13:7).”

Meditate: Think for a short while on what you have just said with a determination to practice it.

Pray in tongues for a short while as above and as you pray, say in your heart and determine to practice what you have just confessed, mentally acknowledging with thanksgiving (Col.4:2) the presence of the three Persons of the God-Head in the air around you (Psalms 16:8).

Time: About 1 minute.

*Total Time: 10-15 minutes daily